What’s the problem with using soy sauce? It’s as salty as all get out! Even the so-called low sodium versions are pretty high in sodium content. When it comes to “heart healthy” recipes and products, soy sauce is ever present. It’s understandable because it does add so much flavor. It makes a terrific marinade for all kinds of super lean cuts of meat. You can make tasty stir-fries with just a smidgen of meat and an overload of good-for-you veggies. But… Just because a dish is low in fat, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily “heart healthy.” Anyone suffering from hypertension, CHF, and other heart-related problems knows that controlling sodium intake is important too.
A quick look at the soy sauce options readily available at most grocery stores are pretty discouraging. Kikkoman regular soy sauce has 920 mg. of sodium for just one tablespoon. Its lite or reduced sodium version has 575 mg. per tablespoon. Better but definitely not great. San-J Tamari has similar numbers: the regular is 960 mg. for one tablespoon while the reduced sodium version has 700 mg. per tablespoon.
Are there any decent alternatives out there? Well, one possibility is making your own low sodium soy sauce substitute. There are several recipes online and in cookbooks for DIY no salt/low sodium soy sauce substitutes. I tried a few of them but was not impressed. They're usually a combination of beef broth, molasses, and vinegar with a bit of ginger and garlic added for good measure. That combo didn't taste good to me and didn't work well with some Chinese dishes. Plus the homemade concoctions didn't last long in the fridge. Commercially bottled soy sauce has a much longer shelf life.
I’ve read posts on so many forums touting the low sodium content of Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and its use as a soy sauce alternative. Bragg’s products are readily available in the natural foods sections of most grocery stores and at most health food stores. The problem is that most of the people hyping the low sodium properties of Bragg’s haven’t done the math correctly. The Bragg’s current website notes that 1 teaspoon is considered one serving, and that single teaspoon contains 320 mg. sodium. It takes three of those teaspoons to equal one tablespoon, the standard serving size for soy sauce. 3 x 160 mg. = 960 mg. per tablespoon of Bragg’s. I don’t see how that can be considered a truly low salt alternative. (For more information about Liquid Aminos, check out this more recent POST.)
The idea of shopping at an Asian market, if you've got one nearby, is a good one. That way you could spend hours searching the aisles and checking labels. You might discover some hitherto unknown brands of soy sauce, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, fish sauce, etc. with very low sodium contents. It could be a lot of fun.
All is not lost, however. Years ago I discovered House of Tsang Lower Sodium Soy Sauce from Healthy Heart Market. This soy sauce has 320 mg. sodium per tablespoon. But the lowest sodium is by far China Town Soy Sauce, also from Healthy Heart Market. It has only 145 mg. per tablespoon. Now that’s super low! It doesn't have the more refined taste of saltier soy sauces, but it's a good low sodium option.
If you’re interested in cre

Ginger & garlic are other requirements. Both flavors are necessary for Asian style dishes. And it doesn’t matter how you get that flavor. You can find powdered ginger or garlic powder everywhere. Most grocery stores carry jarred crushed ginger and jarred crushed garlic in

Cilantro is another flavoring agent that works well in Asian style dishes. A generous sprinkling of the freshly chopped herb really boo

Another handy ingredient is Chinese Five Spice Powder This spice blend most commonly combines the sweet tones of star anise, fennel seeds, cloves, ginger, and cinnamon with the bite of Szechwan pepper and

The bottom Line: If you make your own lower sodium soy sauce substitute, then “the sky’s the limit.” You don’t have to worry about soy sauce sodium quantities at all. Just be sure to watch out for other Asian ingredients that are high in sodium. Things like Hoisin sauce, Oyster sauce, Thai fish sauce, garlic/chili paste, etc.
If you'd prefer using a commercially prepared lower sodium soy sauce, look for Asian inspired recipes that do not call for more than ¼ cup of soy sauce. Instead of the ¼ cup, just use 2 tablespoons of low sodium soy sauce.
And, of course, please realize that lower sodium soy sauces or soy sauce substitutes will NOT taste as good as the higher quality, authentic Chinese or Japanese sauces. But they will taste pretty good and they will definitely be lower in sodium.
We do have a good Asian marketplace here, and I will definitely plan a trip downtown. Since I am not a big salt lover, I have avoided using soy sauce .. thanks for the great tips!
Great post ... I always find that after I eat soy sauce my fingers seem to swell and feel pretty uncomfortable. Lower sodium soy is probably a good choice for us all.
Ironic! I was just looking for low salt soy sauce alternatives myself! I found myself buying some Kikkoman Ponzu Sauce (basically citrus soy sauce) that came in at 400mg per tablespoon which worked out nicely, but I felt was still a bit too high. I will definitely need to give these lower sodium versions a try! Thank you soooooo much for the information!
~Diva on a Diet
Hi, based on the low sodium soy sauces that you ordered online which one is the best?
I've been using the World Harbors Angostura for years and like it. I recently started a new bottle of House of Tsang lower sodium soy sauce and find it good too. Because I order two bottles at a time, I've still got a couple of bottles to go through before I'll get around to ordering the Chinatown brand from HeartWise. So I can't comment on that particular product.
Try the kikkoman brand somen tsuyu 'dipping sauce for noodles".It lists 730 mg of sodium per FOUR tbs and has all the good flavors,e.g.,fish extract(stank!),mirin,soy sauce,kelp,vinegar.It is fresh and says "...use within 3 days after opening.",so I freeze it in one-tb cubes.
Great article. Helpful reviews. Wonderful information. Thank you - Thank you.
We eat strict kosher and as we just started on this no/low salt thing - the kosher issue is going to be a problem for me. But I'm on a mission to find kosher AND low salt products.
Jacqueline, good luck with your search for those unique products. You may find that making everything yourself is your best bet. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with.
This is a great article! Thank you. I agree that making the sauce at home is healthier than getting a manufactured product at grocer.
Angostura Soy Sauce seems to be history. Which is an awful shame. World changed its name to Mizkan Online Store. An eMail from them said the mfgr is no longer making it.
Nightwatchren, you're right. Angostura lite soy sauce is no longer made. Luckily the House of Tsang low sodium soy sauce is available from online sources. And the new Coconut Aminos is a good substitute too.
I still have yet to try Chinese 5 spice powder. Thanks for reminding me. Your stirfry sauce sounds delicious!
Thanks so much for all the information and the tips. I’ve always needed to watch the sodium but could never connect the dots...
The Chinatown soy sauce is great! Thicker and slightly different taste, but very good and you can't beet the sodium content!!
Anyone still reading this? In my search for low-sodium soy sauce, I discovered Mother's Best, made in the Philippines. The label claims 135mg, which would make it even lower than the Chinatown SS. I have not been able to confirm the accuracy of this, I've found no mention of it in blogs, etc., nobody is touting it as low-sodium, which makes me question the accuracy of the label. Anybody out the familiar with this product?
Don, I searched for Mother's Best and found sources for buying it. But, as you stated, I couldn't find any concrete nutritional info. There was an entry in one of those calorie apps, but those aren't always reliable. It sounds like an interesting product. Good luck finding some more info.
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