I'm Greek, so I grew up eating all kinds of fish. My dad loved fish and we ate it regularly. Every Monday a fishmonger would drive through our North Hollywood neighborhood with his refrigerated truck to sell our family fish. That was my dad's day off, so he'd select the fish for dinner that night and often get extra to make fish stew to take for his lunch.
My husband has never been a big fish eater. As a child, he was warned repeatedly of the dangers of accidentally swallowing a fish bone and possibly choking to death. He took the many warnings to heart and had little enthusiasm for eating fish at all. Little by little, over the course of our marriage, he's become more and more comfortable with fish. I've discovered that he likes firm fish, well cooked, and fillets or steaks with little or no bones. A crunchy breading makes the fish more palatable to him too.
Of course, the biggest problem with fish is finding any worth eating. I've had pretty good luck at our local grocery stores. Raley's/BelAir in Northern California prides themselves on providing fresh seafood. Trader Joe's has a good selection of frozen fish, and so does Costco. But this summer, I hit the bonanza! A true fishmonger is selling his goods at our local farmer's market. The Little Fish Company is there every Saturday selling the freshest fish I've ever tasted. So far I've gotten red snapper, lots of halibut, and some salmon. So now we're eating fresh fish every week thanks to fisherman Brand Little.

I make a lower sodium tartar sauce by combining equal parts mayonnaise, sour cream, and plain yogurt. I add a bit of finely chopped onion or shallots, about 1 teaspoon of dried dill weed, and a slurp of olive oil (the lemon olive oil is really good here too).
Kudos to your farmers market for snagging a fish monger! We have a fresh fish market here in Cleveland, haven't been there in a while .. now you have me wanting fresh fish.
One of my fondest memories is fishing with Daddy off an old wooden pier on Lake Erie, catching yellow perch and white bass. I, in turn, took my children fishing also and they still love to fish.
Growing up here, I remember the fish monger, the vegetable truck, and others stopping by to sell their goodies. My uncle, loved fishing out of Long Island sound, we always had a variety of seafood on the table..
And when the lobsters came, as a kid I'd walk away, wouldn't touch the stuff... What a fool I was :-)
Linda, as a child, my husband used to visit his grandfather in Minnesota, and they'd go fishing at one of the nearby lakes. He has wonderful memories of those special times.
Lucy, isn't it funny how some of the stuff we cringed at as a child, we now love? I used to hate avocados -- thought they were too squishy. Now I could eat a whole one in one sitting.
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